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Clients Reviews on The Perfect Chairs


I could not live pain-free without my Perfect Chair. I eat, work and especially sleep in mine. First time in 48 years that I wake up without pain. I dont even move because my body is in the perfect zero gravity position. Thank You.


Enjoy relaxing in my Perfect Chair. The quality is fantastic and styling is beautiful. Sitting in this chair is very addictive, truly happy with my chair.


It is a beautiful looking chair, and would look great in an office or home. I like the feel of the chair in the reclining position, though the chair was a little hard for me to get back up in the upright position. I've never had back issues but it did feel really good for my back.


Upon first glance these chairs are beautiful, but don't jump out as the wonderful gem they are. 
Upon laying in the chair I immediately felt the warmth of the jade crystals loosening up my back muscles. When I moved to the zero gravity reclined position I was amazed at how the pressure in my legs and back immediately dissipated and how easily 

I could still see over my legs. This would be the perfect chair for relaxing at home watching your favorite shows.


Ive been a Computer Programmer, a heads-down coder, for 35 years. After spending about 20 years in the poor posture encouraged by a traditional workspace, I began to experience severe neck and shoulder pain. 
Before I found the Perfect Chair, I was at a point where I would have to end my career due to my spinal issues. Since buying my Perfect Chair, I have actually purchased another that I take to work with me. The Perfect Chair is an incredible tool for people who spend a lot of time at their desk, and I believe that it has the ability to completely change the way we manage our work space. I would love to see more offices eliminate the traditional cubicle set-up and encourage their employees to use Perfect Chairs with laptop desks, or even a type of dual laptop desk. I am so grateful for my Perfect Chair. It has changed my life.

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